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Body Contouring in Plano, TX

Introducing AccuTite – Minimally Invasive Body and Face Countouring for Small Areas

Dr. Kevin Lunde is happy to provide the advanced contouring system to treat a patient’s body and face and their small areas. AccuTite is the smallest minimally invasive radiofrequency contraction device on the market. AccuTite delivers precision heating to small and delicate areas of the face and body, with the science and safety recognized with the RFAL family of technologies.


  • The AccuTite is the smallest minimally invasive radiofrequency contraction device to address hard to reach areas of the face and body, without large surgical scars.
  • Patients who need precision fat reduction or skin contraction now have a solution that can be done under local anesthesia in an office setting, in less than 20 minutes, without excisional surgery.

What can you treat?

Facial Contouring

AccuTite contours hard to reach facial areas with precision heating.

Skin Remodeling

Deliver exceptional skin contouring results without excisional surgery.

Remodel Small Body Areas

The smallest minimally invasive device designed specifically to reduce fat and contract skin in small areas like the knees.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us at (972) 985-3223 or request an appointment/call back online by filling out the secure form.

Ready to get started?

Request an appointment with Kevin Lunde, M.D. today!