ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery Office in Plano, TX
Dr. Kevin Lunde offers expertise to patients in the areas of Allergies, Facial Plastic Surgery, Nasal and Sinus Diseases, Hearing Disorders, and more at his ENT clinic in Plano, TX! Please contact our ENT clinic at (972) 985-3223 to learn more about the wide variety of aesthetic procedures and conditions that we treat!
Office Address:
4701 W. Plano Parkway, Suite 150
Plano, TX 75093
Phone: (972) 985-3223
Fax: (972) 964-0562
Office Hours: M – Th 9am – 5pm Friday 9am – 12pm
Office Information:
- Inclement weather or Wi-Fi outages may affect the phone system. In these cases please contact us at (972)566-8275
- New state of the art Audiology Testing Equipment
- Expanded Hearing Aid Services
- Easy Parking
- Quick in and out access for our Allergy Shot Patients
- Improved Spa Services
- We’ve expanded Alliance Audiology services to accommodate your Hearing needs! Same hours: 9-5 M-Th and 9-12 Friday

Please feel free to request an appointment/call back online by filling out the secure form below.
Office Gallery